On the Radio: Positive Ageing

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Radio 4 Interview about Positive Ageing

Guy Robertson is interviewed on Radio 4 “You and Yours” progamme, broadcast on 2nd July.  The interview is part of a major new BBC series on ageing.  Guy talks about how Positive Ageing courses can be a way of making the most of life beyond 60.  He emphasises the need to bust many of the negative myths surrounding ageing and then goes on to highlight the benefits of undertaking some structured life planning for this important phase.  No other generation has had so much time post retirement and it is clear that we need to re-invent this phase of life if we are to make the most of it.  Guy also highlights the importance of developing a positive mental approach to life.  Research shows conclusively that a glass half full perspective produces much better health, wellbeing and longevity.  And at Positive Ageing we are able to support people in some of the techniques to achieve this.