GMCVO joins Greater Manchester Ageing Hub


The Centre for Ageing Better has joined GMCVO as a member of the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub.

The news comes as part of an announcement of a five-year partnership between the Centre for Ageing Better and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to develop and share innovative approaches to tackling social, economic and health inequalities in later life.

The Greater Manchester Ageing Hub has been established by the GMCA to bring together plans to support older people (50 plus) living in Greater Manchester.

The Hub will gather best practice around achieving healthy ageing while exploring new ideas and solutions for developing age-friendly neighbourhoods across the region. Research will also be carried out over a range of issues facing older workers, especially those affected by redundancy and long-term unemployment.

Other members of Greater Manchester Ageing Hub are New Economy, Public Health England and Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA).

Further information via the link below.